A Purposeful Life: Mantra To Go Forward

Enough emphasis had been put on the fact that it is important to identify one’s purpose of life. I think, at some point in our lives, we all battle with this question, what is the purpose of our life? Why are we here on this planet? And it is followed by trailing residual questions like how can I do my bit for this planet?

I first asked myself this question in 2014, when I was 22 years old. Quite young, I believe, as I type this but then I had friends with crazy minds who knew how to party and more importantly, who knew how to stay connect to the inner self. Fast forward to current period, 2023, I am somewhere still struggling to find the answer to this. Back then, I had 2 things to figure out, What I want to do? and What is the purpose of my life? I figured out I want to be a traveler, gave it a shot, it didn’t work out, came back, made peace with IT world as a full-time tech person and satisfying my soul with the hobbies I have, but the purpose of my life is still unanswered.

Lately I have been reading this book “Tuesday with Morrie” by Mitch Albom and a paragraph about embracing getting old really struck that code in me. We all at some point in our lives wish to go back to our younger times so that we could change something, some decisions that we took, life choices we made, career paths we chose may be. The author beautifully describes it as “unsatisfied lives. Because if you’ve found meaning in your life, you don’t want to go back, you want to go forward“. This is so true. If we know what gives purpose to our lives, we will not want to go back to our younger selves but to work on building and achieving that purpose, than be it finding a meaning in imparting the education, finding a meaning in touching lives through art, finding a meaning in serving the animals, planet, humans or maybe just achieving a personal goal of staying positive and happy.

It is important to figure out the thing that you would love to do every day, it will really keep you sane during your bad days 🙂 And it will really give you that sense of satisfaction when you reflect back at the years that are gone by 🙂

It is not easy, but it is not impossible. Self- introspection, asking yourself these questions and trying out will help us individually to figure out the sole purpose of our lives.

One day, until then, keep trying my lovely bunch :X

One comment

  1. The thought is marvelous rather inspiring to all the souls on earth because every one is sent on earth by Bhagwan to do something which he couldn’t do in his previous birth. So your inner sense is guiding you correctly. But there is a big and deep river between these thoughts and inspirational saying especially for those who cant think and even dare to think like this because they utilize their whole life to earn bread and butter to them or to bear responsible of related souls who are dependent upon him. And at last they vanish from this planet before such thought is generated in them by their souls


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