10 Habits That You Must Have

To form a good habit is one of the first few lessons that we were taught during our childhood. As we grew up, we inculcated some good and some bad habits based on our exposure and experiences. Yet, at certain point of our life, we realize that our life is not going in the way it should.

We fight the competitive world, we fight the anxiety and we continuously search for inner peace.

Guess, each one of us needs to revisit that habit chapter now more than we needed it when we were 5 years old.

Here is the list of 10 habits that every individual must follow to lead a mentally and physically balanced life:

  1. Do not use your phone for 1 hour right after waking up and 1 hour right before going to sleep
  2. Leave your phone behind while going to restroom.
  3. Exercise at least for 10 minutes everyday
  4. Spend at least 10 minutes rewiring your brain through Meditation or Pranayam
  5. Spend at least 15 minutes to keep yourself updated
  6. Have at least one bowl of good food
  7. Spend at least half an hour doing the things you like
  8. Have a set routine of going to bed and waking up
  9. Do not eat past mid-night
  10. Consciously put efforts to be happy

Habits can be consciously wired to your brain with constant practice and eventually will become a part of your life.  

Read ahead if you need further convincing on why you must have these habits.

  1. Do not use your phone for 1 hour right after waking up and 1 hour right before going to sleep

Cell phones are blessing in disguise. It bridged the communication gap and yet drew us apart. If you are not convinced then watch the videos on numerous scientific studies that established the fact that the electromagnetic radiations emitted by cell phones are harmful for our brain

2. Leave your phone behind while going to restroom.

If the thought of carrying your phone to restroom disgust you, you are good. 95% people carry their phone to restrooms to pass time while pooping. Do you know you are likely to get amazing, helpful ideas while pooping? And you are killing it by taking phones inside the toilette. From now on, give your brain this much of a break from cell phones.

3. Do not eat past mid-night

This one has nothing to do with getting fat or losing weight. But this is definitely about being healthy. Our body has a natural recovery mechanism and when we keeping putting food inside our stomach, our entire system start working on digesting the food. We just don’t give enough time to our body to cleanse itself internally. Make a habit to not eat anything between dinner and breakfast so that body gets at least some time to heal itself.

4. Exercise at least for 10 minutes

Internet is flooded with the benefits of daily exercise. Healthy living is a happy living so do at least 10 minutes of cardio or yoga to pump up the blood in your veins and stimulate the functioning of your mind and body.

5. Spend at least half an hour doing the things you like

99% of us are running someone else’s race. There is no wrong in that we all have our own reasons and even the work we are doing in our own brain child, even then we need to spend some time pursuing our hobby. Then be it reading a book, cooking, singing or running etc.

6. Spend at least 15 minutes to keep yourself updated

Awareness boosts confidence. In today’s world you just can’t play dumb. Spend just 10 to 15 minutes every day grasping the top headlines of what’s going on the world, what is latest in the market and feel the confidant you when you the stuff.

7. Have a set routine of going to bed and waking up

This one is the most difficult and the most important habit to have. Our body adjust itself to the cycle we set for it. If there is no cycle, the biological clock does not know when to do what and have ill effects on our mental and physical health.

8. Spend at least 10 minutes rewiring your brain

Mental health needs as much and more attention as your physical health. The stress and anxious lifestyles are taking toll on our mental capabilities. Our body replenish itself during night sleep when our brain is still completing that code in our subconscious mind.  So, when did we give the time to our brain for rest? Practice pranamyam or meditation or mindfulness at least for 10 minutes every day. This will work wonders when it comes to your peace of mind.

9. Have at least one bowl of good food

You are what you eat. That is right but we don’t have time to cook all 3 healthy meals for ourselves. But at least we can practice to feed ourselves one bowl of healthy food once in a day. Grab some dry fruits, yogurt and seasonal fruit and have it at anytime of the day. Nut and fruits are the food for brain and food for your soul.

10. Consciously put efforts to be happy

This might sound absurd but read this.

You might have come across people who seems to be full of life, whose laughter feels are addictive. Do they have a perfect live? They don’t. They must not be giving any shit? They do. Even you must be at better place than those full-of-life people, then why do you feel low and gloomy without any reason?

If we can feel low without any reason, we can re-wire our brain to feel happy without any reason. We get to see the morning everyday is enough reason for being happy.

So, a little conscious effort to feel happy and then you’ll feel happiness from inside 🙂


  1. incredible, this generation people can also think like this ….. unbelievable. wonderful……………………keep writing good things to save humanity from devastation


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